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Aspose.Words for Java 16.11.0 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 76 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • FixedPageSaveOptions.OptimizeOutput option is implemented for all fixed page formats, improving the size of output documents.
  • Output PDF now contains a valid document ID despite the compliancy settings (with or without PDF/A compliancy)
  • Supporting MS Word 2013 features from various DOCX extensions specs. In this release roundtrip of the following DOCX features are added:
    • Collapsed state of headings
    • Footnote columns
    • graphicFrame (Graphical object container)
    • effectLst (Effect Container)
    • cxnLst
    • The extrusionOk (3D Extrusion Allowed) and fill (Path Fill) attributes
    • scene3d, sp3d, extLst for charts
    • drawing ML extended text run properties

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

WORDSJAVA-1436Overflow/underflow Chart values while converting to Pdf.Bug
WORDSJAVA-1443MS Word equation conversion problem during rendering.Bug
WORDSNET-10370The text on shape has incorrect color while rendering.Bug
WORDSNET-11207/rtl + decimal tabs/ Table’s text does not render in output Pdf/PngBug
WORDSNET-11234Ohm sign symbol font name is changed after doing open/save on a DOCXBug
WORDSNET-12413Text color of Shape is changed to white in output Doc/PdfBug
WORDSNET-13023Mht to Docx conversion issue with image qualityBug
WORDSNET-13576ListLabel are appeared after conversion from Doc to Docx/PdfBug
WORDSNET-13690Docx to Pdf conversion issue with hyperlinkBug
WORDSNET-13755Overflow of images when converting from DOCX to PDFBug
WORDSNET-13782Inserting html containing non-breaking hyphen does not keep the paragraph font for this characterBug
WORDSNET-13853Docx to HtmlFixed conversion issue with table’s borderBug
WORDSNET-13873GroupShape does not render correctly in output HtmlFixedBug
WORDSNET-14018OpenXml chart changes after Mail MergeBug
WORDSNET-14021Docx to Html conversion issue with Tab leadersBug
WORDSNET-14067When Chart object in Word document is converted to .jpg image, items in chart legend are ordered in opposite direction.Bug
WORDSNET-14082Word document converted to PDF, output PDF file has incorrect fontBug
WORDSNET-14127Custom bullets are changed after re-saving DocxBug
WORDSNET-14151RTF to Html conversion issue with imageBug
WORDSNET-14152Images are lost after conversion from Doc to HtmlFixedBug
WORDSNET-14166Paragraph alignment was incorrectly imported from RTF.Bug
WORDSNET-14171Font color of SmartArt is changed after conversion from Docx to Doc/Pdf.Bug
WORDSNET-14172SmartArt’s text does not render correctly in output Doc/PdfBug
WORDSNET-14175Superscripts and subscripts of text in Visio diagram does not export correctly in output HtmlBug
WORDSNET-14177Bookmarks in produced PDF navigate to wrong positionBug
WORDSNET-14178HTML to Doc or HTML produces additional line.Bug
WORDSNET-14182MathMl to emf problemBug
WORDSNET-14189Docx to Pdf conversion issue with image renderingBug
WORDSNET-14195LayoutEnumerator.Rectangle.Height returns incorrect valueBug
WORDSNET-14199Document.Compare does not mimic Microsoft Word’s compare featureBug
WORDSNET-14202Wrong space location in RTL span in HtmlFixed outputBug
WORDSNET-14203Aspose.Words hangs during rendering to PDFBug
WORDSNET-14210Inaccurate position of power in OfficeMath equationBug
WORDSNET-14213Document.Compare changes bullet list to number listBug
WORDSNET-14214/rtl + decimal tabs/ Table’s contents become invisible after conversion from Docx to PdfBug
WORDSNET-14216MHTML to PDF export - A yellow colored box is misplacedBug
WORDSNET-14221Aspose.Words hangs while loading HtmlBug
WORDSNET-14225MailMerge.Execute does not work when field contains “-” character in data-sourceBug
WORDSNET-14228Text of a file displays differently after converting from docx into pdfBug
WORDSNET-14231Document.UpdateFields does not update the Quote fieldBug
WORDSNET-14233Text font and size changed in rendered PDFBug
WORDSNET-14238Color of SmartArt’s text is changed after conversion from Docx to PdfBug
WORDSNET-14240Extra character (square box) renders after conversion from Txt to PdfBug
WORDSNET-14259Page-Fields in end-notes are not updated as in WordBug
WORDSNET-14263FieldMacroButton does not render in output PdfBug
WORDSNET-14264NUMPAGES and SECTIONPAGES don’t get translated to correct language when fields are updatedBug
WORDSNET-14268Bullets/Numbering is lost after re-saving OdtBug
WORDSNET-14270Docx to Html conversion issue with chart’s renderingBug
WORDSNET-14277Docx to Html conversion issue with chart’s renderingBug
WORDSNET-14304Strange behavior of Document.AcceptAllRevisions()Bug
WORDSNET-14314A symbol gets added before all numbers in PDFBug
WORDSNET-14322Do not embed fonts that are not installed in OS and are not embedded into the input document.Bug
WORDSNET-14331ListLabel.LabelString does not return correct value for number style GB2Bug
WORDSNET-14339Doc to HtmlFixed conversion issue with Visio diagramBug
WORDSNET-14352Metafiles are rendered with black background in Bitmap modeBug
WORDSNET-14357Docx to Pdf conversion issue with vertical axis’ line position of chartBug
WORDSNET-14361Unsupported file format exception when loading specific .doc fileBug
WORDSNET-14366FindReplaceOptions - Incorrect replacement of repeating charactersBug
WORDSNET-6498BookmarkReference.Evaluate method potential bugs.Bug
WORDSNET-6932/vml/ Shapes are not preserved on HTML importBug
WORDSNET-12696Symbols <> are changed after re-saving RTFEnhancement
WORDSNET-14005Optimize the size of output SVGEnhancement
WORDSNET-14185HTML Export doesn’t take into account Different First Page header optionEnhancement
WORDSNET-14229Improve HTML round-trip support of tab-stops written as spaces.Enhancement
WORDSNET-14230/vml/ Shapes are not preserved on MHTML importEnhancement
WORDSNET-14255Saving to PDF without PDF/A compliance leads to empty Document IDEnhancement
WORDSNET-14342Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a RTFEnhancement
WORDSNET-14234The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loadedException
WORDSNET-14303Document.AcceptAllRevisions throws “Cannot remove because there is no parent”Exception
WORDSNET-14307System.OverflowException is thrown while re-saving DocxException
WORDSNET-10846List number formatting is lost after re-saving the DocxFeature
WORDSNET-11501A Table auto-copy-button is not preserved during open-save a DOCXFeature
WORDSNET-12785List Labels are changed after re-saving DocxFeature
WORDSNET-14226Provide option for “Create bookmarks using: Headings” in PDFFeature
WORDSNET-3498Support export to HTML5.Feature
WORDSNET-14205Styles lost when Word XML saved as DocRegression

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words 16.11.0. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as a regression and modifies existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.

WORDSNET-3498 Support export to HTML5

New public enum HtmlVersion:

/// <summary>
/// Indicates the version of HTML is used when saving the document to <see cref="SaveFormat.Html"/> and
/// <see cref="SaveFormat.Mhtml"/> formats.
/// </summary>
public enum HtmlVersion
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves the document in compliance with the XHTML 1.0 Transitional standard.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <p>Aspose.Words aims to output XHTML according to the XHTML 1.0 Transitional standard,
    /// but the output will not always validate against the DTD. Some structures inside a Microsoft Word
    /// document are hard or impossible to map to a document that will validate against the XHTML schema.
    /// For example, XHTML does not allow nested lists (UL cannot be nested inside another UL element),
    /// but in Microsoft Word document multilevel lists occur quite often.</p>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves the document in compliance with the HTML 5 standard.
    /// </summary>

New public property in HtmlSaveOptions:

/// <summary>
/// Specifies version of HTML standard that should be used when saving the document to HTML or MHTML.
/// Default value is <see cref="Saving.HtmlVersion.Xhtml"/>.
/// </summary>
public HtmlVersion HtmlVersion
     get { return mHtmlVersion; }
     set { mHtmlVersion = value; }


var so = new HtmlSaveOptions();
so.HtmlVersion = HtmlVersion.Html5;
doc.Save("out.html", so);

WORDSNET-13625 - FixedPageSaveOptions.OptimizeOutput

Starting from 16.11.0 version, OptimizeOutput option is available for all fixed page formats.

/// <summary>
/// Flag indicates whether it is required to optimize output of XPS.
/// If this flag is set redundant nested canvases and empty canvases are removed,
/// also neighbor glyphs with the same formating are concatenated.
/// Note: The accuracy of the content display may be affected if this property is set to true.
/// Default is false.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool OptimizeOutput
    get { return mOptimizeOutput; }
    set { mOptimizeOutput = value; }