Handling Critical and Effort-driven Tasks

Microsoft Project recognized a number of different types of tasks. Tasks with no duration, for example, are considered milestones by default. Critical tasks make up the critical path, one or a series of tasks that, ultimately, determines how long a project will take.

Working with Critical and Effort-Driven Tasks

The Tsk class exposes the IS_CRITICAL and IS_EFFORT_DRIVEN properties to handle critical and effort driven tasks.

Critical and Effort-driven Tasks Microsoft Project

To see whether a task is critical or effort-driven in Microsoft Project double-click a task in the Task Entry form.

An effort-driven task in Microsoft Project

handling critical and effort driven tasks in Microsoft Project

Getting Critical and Effort-driven Tasks

The following code examples show how to get information about whether a task is critical or effort-driven.

 1// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-tasks/Aspose.Tasks-for-Java
 2// The path to the documents directory.
 3String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(CriticalAndEffortDrivenTasks.class);
 5Project project = new Project(dataDir + "input.mpp");
 7// Create a ChildTasksCollector instance
 8ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector();
10// Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils
11TaskUtils.apply(project.getRootTask(), collector, 0);
13// Parse through all the collected tasks
14for (Task tsk : collector.getTasks()) {
15    String strED = tsk.get(Tsk.IS_EFFORT_DRIVEN) != null ? "EffortDriven" : "Non-EffortDriven";
16    String strCrit = tsk.get(Tsk.IS_CRITICAL) != null ? "Critical" : "Non-Critical";
17    System.out.println(strED);
18    System.out.println(strCrit);
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