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Aspose.PDF for .NET 16.12.0

Improvements and Changes

PDFNEWNET-40065Support PDF/A_2U format NewFeature
PDFNEWNET-39316PDF optimization size issueEnhancement
PDFNEWNET-37901File Optimization for web size difference between Adobe and Aspose.PDFEnhancement
PDFNET-41799PDFA Validation error listEnhancement
PDFNET-41722XML to PDF: BindXml constructors with streamEnhancement
PDFNET-41488XML to PDF: Hyperlink text rendering issueEnhancement
PDFNEWNET-39412Exception when setting XmpPdfAExtensionValueType to PDF fileException
PDFNEWNET-39161OutOfMemory exception when using OptimizeResources(..) methodException
PDFNET-41745PDF to PDFA conversion is throwing unhandled exceptionException
PDFNET-41649PDF to PDFA conversion throws NullReference ExceptionException
PDFNET-41595Watermark exception when page content overflowsException
PDFNET-41662PDF to PDFA conversion rotates images, but working fine in 11.2.0Bug
PDFNET-41655PDF to PDF/A - Images get distortedBug
PDFNET-41623Text Replacement regression issue in 16.10.0Bug
PDFNET-41687When PDF is converted to HTML, the resulting HTML file has long
scrollbars in Microsoft Edge
PDFNET-41680When PDF document is converted to XPS, the second page shows
“This page cannot be displayed” message
PDFNET-41619Failed to load Tex file from streamBug
PDFNET-41542When PDF is saved as DOCX, System hangs and CPU goes highBug
PDFNEWNET-39368PDF to PDF/A - resultant file size gets 17 times of the original PDF sizeBug
PDFNEWNET-40418PDF to TIFF - Blank images are not being skippedBug
PDFNEWNET-39544PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is large sizeBug
PDFNEWNET-39399PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file contents get corruptedBug
PDFNET-41104PDF to PDF/A - Formatting issues in resultant fileBug
PDFNEWNET-40765PDF to HTML: heading text characters render incorrectlyBug
PDFNEWNET-40674Non-Searchable PDF is converted to incorrect Searchable PDFBug
PDFNEWNET-40538PDF to PDFA conversion results invalid outputBug
PDFNEWNET-39076API throws NullReferenceException upon loading a PDF documentBug
PDFNEWNET-38850PDF file is not being optimizedBug
PDFNEWNET-38814PDF to PPTX: Space between words increasedBug
PDFNEWNET-38812PDF to PPTX: text alignment issueBug
PDFNET-41352PDF to DOCX: text alignment issue in table rowBug
PDFNET-41350PDF to DOCX: bullets and associated text alignment issueBug
PDFNET-41661PDF to PPTX - Line spacing is lost and the data is not rendering correctlyBug
PDFNET-41531PDF to DOCX: Paragraph indent values are not retainedBug
PDFNET-41354PDF to PDF/A - Highlight box hides the image in PDFBug
PDFNET-41068Editing PDF document overlaps text charactersBug
PDFNET-41854In evaluation mode only, dispose method throws IndexOutOfRangeExceptionBug
PDFNET-41457API throws ArgumentException while resizing PDF document without setting licenseBug
PDFNEWNET-38182Text replace changes text positionBug
PDFNET-41356PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not compliantBug
PDFNET-41714When PDF converted to PDF_A_1B, the document has glyphs missing
in embedded fonts error
PDFNEWNET-40139PDF with hieroglyphs is converted to the JPEG with corrupted symbolsBug
PDFNET-41901PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file gets corrupted (error on openning and missing content)Bug
PDFNET-41726The flattened file from XFA form cannot be opened in Chrome or FirefoxBug