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Aspose.PDF for .NET 11.3.0

We are pleased to share a new version of Aspose.PDF for .NET with following improvements.

Features and Improvements

PDFNEWNET-39988Controlling Z-Order of Rectangle
PDFNEWNET-39948Support of Text with transparencyExceptions
PDFNEWNET-38718Document object throws StackOverFlowExceptionBugs
PDFNEWNET-39555PDF to PDFA conversion results a black PDF
PDFNEWNET-40047Spacing between Heading user label and heading.Textfragments
PDFNEWNET-39966The order of characters in RTL words is reversed
PDFNEWNET-39707PDF not matching multi-word searches
PDFNEWNET-38720EPUB to PDF - Unable to convert EPUB to PDF
PDFNEWNET-37632PDF to TIFF - Highlight annotations missing in resultant file
PDFNEWNET-36954HTML to PDF - Name is not being assigned to form field
PDFNEWNET-39104Form field filling takes too much time
PDFNEWNET-40175Floating boxes with zIndex, some table parts falling behind image
PDFNEWNET-40144Code hangs while processing paragraphs
PDFNEWNET-39952Process hangs with Project Platform Target value Any CPU
PDFNEWNET-39550HTML to Conversion add unwanted red lines in resultant PDF document
PDFNEWNET-39155PDF to JPEG: multi-line textboxfield text is missing in resultant Image
PDFNEWNET-35782RichtextBox doesn’t honor line break tag br
PDFNEWNET-39661Infinite execution on table generation
PDFNEWNET-39229EPUB to PDF: TOC are not working in resultant PDF