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Aspose.Pdf .Net New Release Release Notes

Aspose.PDF for .NET version includes all the features provided in Hotfix 3.2.x while the following is a quick list:

Main features added or improved:

\1) Bold and italic text is supported without bold or italic font. In the previous version, if you want to set text to font such as “Arial Bold”, the corresponding font arialbd.ttf must exist. This limitation is avoided in this release.2) Performance for black-and-white TIFF image processing is greatly improved. 3) Create Pdf objects from xml is supported. A new method CreateObjFromXml() is added into Pdf class.4) Unicode in bookmark is now supported.5) Hyperlink for graph is supported.6) TextVerticalAlignment is added in FloatingBox class. Refer to

Main bugs fixed:

\1) PDF.Save() hangs bug fixed. Refer to .2) Some bug in Word2Pdf are fixed. Refer to , and .3) Aspose.PDF.Xsd does not work in Visual Studio .NET 2005 problem is fixed. Refer to .