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Aspose.Pdf for JasperReports 1.6.0

Public API Changes for Aspose.PDF for JasperReports 1.6.0

  • All internal classes and packages were moved into the package com.aspose.pdf.jrinternal.* to avoid conflicts with other libraries.

  • Very old versions of JasperReports are not supported now. The baseline version is JasperReports 5.6.0, which was released on 2014-08-04.

  • com.aspose.pdf.License has been moved into com.aspose.pdf.jr.License

  • Packages are not binding with the jasper version anymore. The main package from now is com.aspose.pdf.jr.*

  • We have implement new pdf engine with lot of improvements to increase the quality of conversion.

  • Styled text is processing now. If textElement has markup=“styled” - the style tegs inside this element will be applied for the text.

    For example:

<textElement markup="styled">
<style size="32">StyledText</style>
<style isBold="true">StyledText</style>
<style isItalic="true">StyledText</style>
<style isUnderline="true">StyledText</style>
<style isStrikeThrough="true">StyledText</style>
<style forecolor="red">StyledText</style>
<style backcolor="blue" forecolor="white" isBold="true">StyledText</style>
<style isBold="true" isItalic="true" isUnderline="true">StyledText</style>
<font size="12">StyledText</font>
<font color="red">StyledText</font>
<font face="DejaVu Serif">StyledText</font>
  • The aditional field (PdfFormatType) has been added to com.aspose.pdf.jr.jasperreports.JrPdfExportParametersBean class: Additional methods:
    -public void setPdfFormatType(String pdfFormat)
    -public int getPdfFormatType()
    in the xml been we can configure the pdf format type using the one of the values from the class com.aspose.pdf.jr.PdfFormatType:
 <bean id="pdfAPExportParameters">
 <property name="PdfFormatType" value="PDF_A_3A"/>
 <property name="PdfAMode" value="true"/>
  • Additional methods were added for the class: com.aspose.pdf.jr.SavingFormatType
    -public static String getNameByValue(int value)
    -public static int getValueByName(String name)

  • Additional values have been implemented in the class com.aspose.pdf.jr.SavingFormatType
    -public static final int XML = 4; //implemented conversion into pdf->xml
    -public static final int TEX = 5; //implemented conversion into pdf->tex

  • Additional methods were added for the class: com.aspose.pdf.jr.PdfFormatType
    -public static String getNameByValue(int value)
    -public static int getValueByName(String name)