Resizing Images in PHP

Aspose.Imaging - Simple Resizing

To do Simple image Resizing presentation using Aspose.Imaging Java for PHP, call simple_image_resizing method of ResizeImage module. Here you can see example code.

PHP Code

 public static function simple_image_resizing($dataDir=null){

\# Load an existing image

$image=new Image();

$image = $image->load($dataDir . "test.jpg");

\# Cache data if not cached previously

if (!$image->isCached()) {



\# Specify only width

$new_width = $image->getWidth()/2;


\# Specify only height

$new_height = $image->getHeight()/2;


\# Save the image to disk

$image->save($dataDir . "simple_image_resizing.jpg");

\# Display Status.

print "Resized image successfully!".PHP_EOL;


Aspose.Imaging - Resizing with ResizeType Enumeration

To do Resizing with ResizeType Enumeration presentation using Aspose.Imaging Java for PHP, call resizing_with_resizetype_enumeration method of ResizeImage module. Here you can see example code.

PHP Code

 public static function resizing_with_resizetype_enumeration($dataDir=null){

\# Load an existing image

$image=new Image();

$image = $image->load($dataDir . "test.jpg");

\# Cache data if not cached previously

if (!$image->isCached()) {



\# Specify only width

$new_width = $image->getWidth()/2;

$resizeType=new ResizeType();

$image->resizeWidthProportionally($new_width, $resizeType->LanczosResample);

\# Specify only height

$new_height = $image->getHeight()/2;

$image->resizeHeightProportionally($new_height, $resizeType->NearestNeighbourResample);

\# Save the image to disk

$image->save($dataDir . "resizing_with_resizetype_enumeration.jpg");

\# Display Status.

print "Resized image successfully!".PHP_EOL;


Download Running Code

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