SmtpClient Activity Logging

Activity logging is used for debugging, as well as for collecting and analyzing working information about the SMTP client.

Enable Activity Logging using appsettings.json File

NOTE: This option is preferred for .NET Core applications.

Logging in SmtpClient can be enabled with the following steps and code samples:

  1. Add an appsettings.json configuration file to a C# project, if it has not been added before.

  2. Make sure that the project file contains the following lines in the ItemGroup section.

       <Content Include="appsettings.json">
  3. Then, add the following content to the appsettings.json file.

         "SmtpDiagnosticLog": "smtp.log",
         "SmtpDiagnosticLog_UseDate": true

The two properties mentioned above are:

  • SmtpDiagnosticLog - specifies the relative or absolute path to the log file.

  • SmtpDiagnosticLog_UseDate - specifies whether to add a string representation of the current date to the log file name.

Enable Activity Logging in Programm Code

You can also enable logging immediately in the code.

NOTE: even if you have already enabled logging by using configuration files, this option will be applied.

Logging in SmtpClient can be enabled with the following steps and code samples:

  1. Create an SmtpClient.
  2. Set the path to the log file using the LogFileName property.
  3. Set the UseDateInLogFileName property if it is necessary.
   using (var client = new SmtpClient("your smtp server"))
       // Set username, password, port, and security options
       client.Username = "your username";
       client.Password = "your password";
       client.Port = 465;
       client.SecurityOptions = SecurityOptions.SSLImplicit;
       // Set the path to the log file using the LogFileName property.
       client.LogFileName = @"C:\Aspose.Email.Smtp.log";
       // Set the UseDateInLogFileName property if it is necessary.
       client.UseDateInLogFileName = false;
       var eml = new MailMessage("from address", "to address", "this is a test subject", "this is a test body");

Enable Activity Logging using App.config File

SMTP client activity can be logged by modifying the configSections in the config file. Diagnostics logging can be performed with the following steps:

  1. Add a sectionGroup called “applicationSettings”.
  2. Add a section called “Aspose.Email.Properties.Settings”.
  3. Include the setting with the name SmtpDiagonosticLog where the file name is defined in the applicationSettings/Aspose.Email.Properties.Settings

Here is a sample form based application which uses SmtpClient to send an email. This whole activity is logged by modifying the App.config file. Create a form application with a single button on it. Add the following code for button’s click:

  1. Add reference to Aspose.Email.
  1. Add the App.Config file and modify it in such a way that file contents are as follows
  • For C# .NET use the following option
  • For VB .NET use the following option
todo:image_alt_text   todo:image_alt_text
  1. Run the code and then observe the debug folder. The following file will be generated.