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Aspose.Cells for .NET v4.8.0 Release Notes

We are happy to announce Aspose.Cells for .NET v4.8.0.0!

What’s changed:

l Merge Aspose.Grid suite into Aspose.Cells

l Optimize the performance of Formula recalculations

l Improve the performance of inserting/deleting Rows/Columns

l Enhance the performance of Auto-fit Rows/Columns feature

l Add WordArt shapes to XLS file

l Read Gradient Fill effects for the Chart

l Create spreadsheets with First Page or Even/Odd Header/Footer attributes for Page Setup

l Support multiple Print Areas in Worksheet-to-Image feature

l Add Formula Calculation support for some new MS Excel built-in functions

l Set background image for a Chart type Worksheet

l Provide support for setting Image Options in Chart-to-Image and Worksheet-to-Image features

l 101 fixes and other enhancements

Issues Resolved in Aspose.Cells for .NET v4.8.0.0

Issue IDComponentSummary
8741Chart2ImageChart2Image problems
8749Chart2ImageCharts not displaying in Excel PDF
9712Chart2ImageSupports grouped shape to image
9766Chart2ImageGetting zero values
8738CSVLoading a csv file failed
8737CSVOpening csv file seems to write to the console
8984HTMLSlow performance when saving workbook as HTML
7915PdfThe issue of converting cells to pdf
8669PdfExcel to PDF Conversion Issue
8672PdfDifference in output when generating Excel file to Pdf file
8678PdfCells To PDF, footer image is blurred
8749PdfCharts not displaying in Excel PDF
8986PdfConverting from Excel to PDF
8988Pdfsaving workbook as PDF broken
9608PdfXLS conversion problem (negative length?)
9609PdfSave to FileFormatType.Pdf with multithread implementation
9670PdfExcel2PDF with grouped shape issue
9761PdfError when save as Aspose.Pdf.xml
9960PdfLayout and file size
10145PdfThrows System.OutOfMemory Exception
10146PdfSave FileFormatType.Pdf Very Bad Quality
8674Sheet2ImageProblem in Converting Sheet to Image
9613Sheet2ImageMerge Cell Printing Problem Error
9762Sheet2ImageProblems with printing Excel 2007 format
9061Sheet2ImageSplitting sheet to several images
9959Sheet2ImageSome Differences in the Printed/Saved Excel File
10142Sheet2ImageImageOptions for Aspose.Cells
10144Sheet2ImageSheet2image function
8589SpreadMLSpreadsheet XML encoding issue
8682SpreadMLAutofilter does not work when converting file to Excel2003
9138SpreadMLAn error of opening and saving the file
9610SpreadMLHide columns lose their width information
7916XlsUpdate Freeze panes when inserting/deleting rows/columns
8588XlsProblem with Calculating Array Formulas
8590XlsCopying sheets
8604XlsProblem with copying rows.
8668XlsProblem with smart markers group with merge
8673XlsBug with SUMIF and calculating formula
8676XlsPie chart’s datalabels
8677XlsLinks are removed from my formula
8679Xls2 Bugs With Calculating Formula
8734XlsScatter chart: marker fill color
8736XlsThe bug of setting the add-in function.
8739XlsChart Line Color turning into black
8740XlsCopying shapes in copying rows.
8863XlsBack ground grid lines in Chart turns to black
8881XlsThrows ArgumentOutOfRangeException when opening a file
8886XlsCells.ImportCustomObjects() throws NullReferenceException
8983XlsError in putting comments in a cell
8985XlsInsert column problem
9085XlsCell.GetDisplayStyle() throws InvalidCastException
9135XlsOle Equation object causes the reading error
9136XlsShapes lose references
9192XlsExtremely slow AutoFitColumns performance
9266XlsFormula is not calculated
9267XlsConditional Validation DropDown List
9293XlsCalculateFormula won’t calculate
9488XlsThe issue of opening xls file.
9501XlsDeleteRows does not delete images embedded
9545XlsSetDataSource() throws error
9546XlsWrong color of numbers
9672XlsCalculate Lookup function error
9708XlsQuestion about repeating dynamic formulas in Smart Markers
9709XlsCustom formatting doesn’t work
9954XlsProblem reading cell format from a template file
9955XlsCalcMode never returns AutomaticExceptTable
9956XlsAccessing Check Boxes and Combo Boxes by Name
9957XlsNamedRange in Sum Formula
10001XlsExcel Index function not working
10002XlsRemove named range.
10036XlsCalculateFormula after reset cell.formula
10037XlsThe issue when sorting the grouped data
10039XlsCells formatted as date sometimes come back empty
10040XlsAdding multiple ranges for the same series on a Line Chart
10136XlsSubtotal not below the field to group by
10137XlsSmart Marker Subtotal Rows - Static Text Dynamic Formula
10153XlsAutoFitRows() when the column is hidden
10158XlsGetting chart by name
8587XlsOrder Pictures / Shapes
9062XlsExportDataTable Overflow / Underflow Issues
9707XlsPrint area not updated when deleting columns/rows
10038XlsSubTotal - SummaryBelowData
10041XlsFind string case sensitive.
8419XlsxUnable read xlsx file
8449XlsxIsProtected and Unprotect don’t work for xlsm files.
8586XlsxFiles saved as Excel 2007 format don’t work correctly
8591XlsxRotation of the Text items in NSeries.CategoryData
8667XlsxInvalid formula exception
8735XlsxCenter datalabels when the chart is bubble chart.
8805XlsxDatalabels setting not works.
8842XlsxRemoving non utf-8 character
8882XlsxAll text not visible when converting Excel to Pdf
9554XlsxChart major gridlines does not retain dash type
9673XlsxCharts renamed when workbook opened by Aspose
9710XlsxExcel found unreadable content
9854XlsxHyperlink location must not be null
9958XlsxNew report with existing template
10138XlsxUnreadable content error caused by pivot table
10161XlsxFormatting Pivot Table Data
7559XlsxOnly load data from xlsx file.
