HTTP vs. File System Websites

We currently have a File System website setup and we are trying to add Aspose.Grid. I read in the documentation that the website must be setup as HTTP in order for the Grid to function propertly. Has there been any progress on making the grid compaitible with File System websites? Or is there any plan to? If not, why does this limitation exist?

Thank you



Version 1.8 and above supports vs 2005 File System WebSites. Follow these steps:

1. Add 2 appSetting sections to the web.config file:

http://localhost/agw_client/" />

2. The 2 config sections only take effect with a licensed control. So you may add these code to the Global.asax file:

void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup
Aspose.Grid.Web.License lic = new Aspose.Grid.Web.License();

I added the app keys and the license registration to the program, but I am still not getting any kind of interaction with the grid. The evaluation tab is no longer displaying, so I am sure the license registration worked correctly.

I don't have IIS running on my machine, so I tried copying the agw_client folder into my project and changed the aspose.grid.web.agw_client_path key to point to this new path, but that didn't solve the problem. Do I need to have IIS running on my machine to get this to work? If not, can you provide me with any other ideas on how I can get the grid to work?



You may create a folder named "client" in your website project for example "WebSite1", and copy all files in the agw_client directory to the client folder. Be sure that the web.config file contains this section:

I test it and it runs OK.