Date Format Issues

I am running Aspose.Cells 1.3 on my SSRS server. When I export some reports the dates are converted to a number. 3/5/2007 6:49:00 PM becomes 39146.78403. Attached is the RDL.


Thanks for providing us the template RDL file.

We found the issue after an initial test, we will figure it out soon.

Thank you.


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Please try the attached latest fix. We have checked your RDL file. The date format code is ‘D’ in your RDL file. We have improved the date format rendered. Now, when you will export some reports, the dates will be converted to the ‘yyyy-m-d hh:mm:ss’ values.

Hope this will solve your issue.

Thank You & Best Regards,

I’m sorry but I had to change the report to a format code from ‘D’ to ‘g’ and export is not working with that code. Can you please check again as I am still getting a number in the export?

I’ve attached the new RDL to help.


Thank you for providing the RDL file. We will look into it and get back to you soon.

Thank You & Best Regards,


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Please try the attached latest fixed. We have fixed date format issue. It supports date format codes ‘D’ and ’g’.

Thank You & Best Regards,

The release fixed that date issue for ‘G’ but you broke the other date formats that used to work. They are all appearing as M-d-yyyy HH:mm tt regardless of what is in the format value in my report. Please see the attached report where the format value is MMM d, yyyy. This used to work in 1.3.5 and now doesn’t.


Thank you for sharing the RDL file. We will look into it and get back to you soon.

Thank You & Best Regards,


Thank you for considering Aspose.

We have found the issue in setting the custom date format and we will fix it soon, but for the default formats the provided fix works fine. Please do let us know about custom date formats you are using, so we can check for that format support.

Thank You & Best Regards,

When can I expect a fix?


Thank you for considering Aspose.

We are working on the issue regarding the custom formats and we will provide you with a fix soon. Please do let us know about custom date formats you are using, so we can check for those format as well.

Thank You & Best Regards,

that is currently the only custom date format that we are using.

When can I expect to have a fix for the Custom Date format that used to work that no longer work with the latest release?


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Please try the attached latest fix. We have fixed the issue regarding the custom format ‘G’ (M-d-yyyy HH:mm tt).

Thank You & Best Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 7467) have been fixed in this update.

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