Display 48 table cells in one row each being 1 inch


I need to display 48 table cells in each row. Each cell should be 1 inch. The result will be used for printing purposes. The question now is though, how can I test this in a PDF - what paper size do I need to set my pdf to?

Thank you


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I think you should first check what paper size is supported by your printer. I am afraid you can’t print a complete row into one page without spliting the table. So I suggest you set the Table.IsVerticalBroken to true and let the table to be splited automatically.

Even if my printer supports it. To what size do I need to set the PDF? I am not able to find out how I can set the custom values for the PageHeight and PageWidth.


Page size can be set like the following:

pdfDocument.PageSetup.PageHeight = height-value;
pdfDocument.PageSetup.PageWidth = width-value;

You can also set page size for each section.