Surround Text with Shape

What is the best way to surround text with a shape? From the examples and this forum, it seems that the shape comes first; draw a rectangle, for example, then add a text frame and paragraphs to the rectangle. My goal is the opposite: given a paragraph, draw a rectangle around it. I’ve tried adding a rectangle and positioning it via setY(), but am hoping there is an easier and more precise way.


Dear Ken,

I regret to inform you that it is unfortunately not possible to generate the shape based on the text inside the text frame to surround the text. In fact one doesn’t need to do this as well. The text frame only contains text and its width and height are inherited from the shape. However, there are two properties of TextFrame class that can be used to accommodate any text inside the shape. TextFrame.setFitShapeToText(true) and TextFrame.setWrapText(true) properties can be used to accommodate the text inside the shape automatically and the size of shape will be altered to a certain limit to accommodate text inside the text frame, if the text exceeds shape limit. Below please find the code snippet using the above mentioned properties and I feel may be this only possibility with Aspose.Slides for Java may serve your purpose.

public static void AddSampleTextFrame() {
    //Create presentation
    Presentation pres = new Presentation();

    //Get first Slide, first slide is added automatically
    Slide firstSlide = pres.getSlideByPosition(1);

    //Add Rectangle inside the first slide
    //This rectangle will contain the textframe inside it
    com.aspose.slides.Rectangle rect = firstSlide.getShapes().addRectangle(300, 1000, 2220, 100);

    //Make its line invisble

    //Now add a text frame inside the rectangle with some sample text
    rect.addTextFrame("This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.This is sample text.");
    TextFrame tf = rect.getTextFrame();

    //Set its wrap text property true, so it wraps text automatically

    //Set this propert true, so textframe can chage its shape automatically

    //write the presentation
    pres.write("D:\\Aspose Data\\JavaoutSampleTextFrame.ppt");

Thanks and Regards,