Issue with PdfConverter StartPage and EndPage properties

I have had to change the way I use PdfConverter because it is so slow. When looking at the use, I noticed that even though I only asked for 1 single page to be converted, the convert was very long when I sent 18page PDF compared to when I sent 1page PDF.

It is like StartPage and EndPage are not being used to determine how much of the PDF to work on. It is acting like it is converting the entire PDF then returning only the pages desired....inefficient.

Original (Very Slow because converting whole PDF instead of just single page requested)

//Bug in PdfConverter object doesn't close handle on the file so instead

//sending stream so that we can control use.

FileStream pdfFile = new FileStream(inputFilePath, FileMode.Open);

PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter();

converter.BindPdf(pdfFile); //inputFilePath);

converter.StartPage = pageNumber;

converter.EndPage = pageNumber;


converter.GetNextImage(outputFilePath, ImageFormat.Jpeg);


Rework (To Speed up...but still slow...I am now having to use Extract of specific page desired)

PdfFileEditor pdfEditor = new PdfFileEditor();

bool isExtracted = pdfEditor.Extract(inputStream, pageNumber, pageNumber, tempStream);

if (isExtracted)


//Now convert single page

PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter();



converter.GetNextImage(outputStream);//DEFAULT image format is JPEG


Maybe this is an issue to be resolved?


PdfConverter is slow in the current version for we convert all the pages in PDF file. We will try to fix this issue and this will take several months.
Extract the pages you want to convert is a temporary way and the only way to solve this problem now.

Any question is welcome.

Until it's fix, please post this in a Known Issues document. I'm not sure if that's a list you keep online and/or in Release Notes or Programmer's Guide.

What other known issues exist? I would like to confirm that they do not impact my use of Aspose APIs.

Thank you.

Please download hotfix 2.5.1. The StartPage and EndPage bug has been fixed.