When converting Doc to Png a gap appears between text and image

Dear Aspose Team,
i have an issue with converting a .doc document into a png image.
The Document contains some text, directly followed by an image with no space between.
In the converted png there appears a gap between the text and the image.
Since we use the image for document previewing, it would be very nice to get a workaround or even a fix, so that the image looks exactly like the document.
Aspose version used is 10.1.
The code used to get the issue:

Document testDoc = new Document(testDocPath);
testDoc.Save(actualImagePath, SaveFormat.Png);

Actually the original process is a bit more complex, but this code is enough to reproduce the issue on my side.
Please find attached the used source document.
Thanks and best regards,

Thank you for reporting this problem to us and for the additional information. I managed to reproduce the problem on my side. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is fixed.
Best regards,

Hi Michael,

I would like to thank you for the answer.

Sorry for being this late on the topic, but I got assigned different projects in between and now I am back in business on the Aspose project.

I will follow-up this topic with my team, since there does not seem to be any result for this issues.

Kind regards

Hi Wolfgang,

Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, our development team had concluded that this issue and the undesired behaviour you’re observing was not a bug in Aspose.Words but is an expected behavior (please refer to Michael’s comment). If we can help you with anything else, please feel free to ask.

Best regards,

Hi Awais,

thanks for the clarification. I didn’t get it in the first place.

Kind regards