Unable to find paragraphs -Notes -slide Text- Slide title for pptx slides

Hello Aspose team

I am working on aspose slides Using ppt files i achieve almost my target . i find all properties of ppt and its slides

But i have an issue working with pptx files and unable to find : paragraphs ,Notes ,slideText, Slide title for pptx slides

I also unable to find pptx comment properties

My release date will also suffer if i am not resolve this issue !

Can anyone help me regarding similar ?

Thanks in Advance !


Dharminder singh
Senior Software Engineer
Impinge Solution Mohali

Hi Dharminder,

Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Slides.

Well, as per our live conversation, following examples have been prepared that can be tested with the attached PPTX for demonstration purpose.

1) Example for extracting paragraphs from notes:

PresentationEx pres = new PresentationEx("d:\\ppt\\jan\\singh\\title.pptx");

TextFrameEx[] tf = PresentationScanner.GetAllTextBoxes(pres.Slides[0].NotesSlide);

for (int i = 0; i < tf.Length; i++)

foreach (ParagraphEx para in tf[i].Paragraphs)

foreach (PortionEx port in para.Portions)


Response.Write(" Shape Text " + port.Text + "


2) Example for extracting paragraphs from all the content slides from a PPTX:

PresentationEx pres = new PresentationEx("d:\\ppt\\jan\\singh\\title.pptx");

TextFrameEx[] tf = PresentationScanner.GetAllTextFrames(pres,false);

for (int i = 0; i < tf.Length; i++)

foreach (ParagraphEx para in tf[i].Paragraphs)

foreach (PortionEx port in para.Portions)


Response.Write(" Shape Text " + port.Text + "


3) Example for extracting paragraphs from a content slide with differentiating PlaceHolder Text and TextBox Text:

PresentationEx pres = new PresentationEx("d:\\ppt\\jan\\singh\\title.pptx");

SlideEx sld= pres.Slides[0];

foreach (ShapeEx shp in sld.Shapes)


if (shp.IsTextHolder)


AutoShapeEx ashp = (AutoShapeEx)shp;

if (ashp.TextFrame != null)


TextFrameEx tf = ashp.TextFrame;

foreach( ParagraphEx para in tf.Paragraphs )

foreach (PortionEx port in para.Portions)


Response.Write("PlaceHolder Text = " + port.Text + "




else if (shp is AutoShapeEx)


AutoShapeEx ashp1 = (AutoShapeEx)shp;

if (ashp1.TextFrame != null)


TextFrameEx tf1 = ashp1.TextFrame;

foreach( ParagraphEx para1 in tf1.Paragraphs )

foreach (PortionEx port1 in para1.Portions)


Response.Write("TextBox Text = " + port1.Text + "





For Slide Comments in case of PPTX, an issue with issue id 12529 has been created on our Issue Tracking System for provision of this feature. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you can be updated here as soon as this feature is implemented.

Hope this will be helpful.

Thanks and Best Regards

Thanks Muhammad Sabir !

I solved my issues with your help

I really appreciate your help and quick response !

Regards ,
Dharminder Singh

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 12529) have been fixed in this update.

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